Monday, April 15, 2013

Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn?

Alex is part Tom Sawyer and part Huckleberry Finn. He's got Tom's innocence, immaturity and imagination alongside Huck's mischievous and recalcitrant nature. Like Huck, he sometimes provocatively leads his friends into trouble with silly games and little pranks. But he is also the kid that believes in fairy tales and wants to play all day long with his cousins and his friends. Its hard to stay ahead of his social calendar.

These days, he loves to hike. Give him a stick, a stream, some trees and tall grass and he'll hunt for bad guys, practice ninja moves and find ways to save the world from destruction from mutants and aliens, maybe even a few robbers. The name Alexander means "defender of humanity." His middle name means "calm and peaceful." In these times when people are doing so much to harm others in the world, may my son grow into a  "calm, peaceful defender of humanity."  And in the meantime, may he have the space to just have fun being a kid -- swinging on ropes, splashing in streams and hunting down bad guys with his friends in the woods.