"May the force be with you." |
George Lucas film offices are located on the Presido in San Francisco. |
Jedi Knight. |
R2D2 |
Boba Fett hanging with the girls. |
Gangam style at the Yoda Fountain. |
One of the great secrets of San Francisco is LucasFilm, LTD (1 Letterman Drive). Lucas sold his company to Disney in 2012 for just over $4 billion, but the offices were retained in the Presidio in San Francisco. They can be visited during business hours on the weekday by simply asking the security guard if you can check out the Yoda Fountain. He'll direct you to your own parking spot and let you in on the
real secret that you can also enter the lobby area to see authentic costumes of Darth Vader, Boba Fett, the actual light sabers used in the films and dozens of other small treasures for Star Wars fanatics.